My Interactive Media Class

Today is the first day I attended my class for this semester. Got two classes only. The other one, Web Publishing class being postponed.

At first, I couldn't find my class at room 3.09 as this is the first time OUM Johor changed the name of classrooms. I thought at the first floor, lab room but to no avail. Then I went to third floor, finally I found my class.

Puan Noniwati taught Interactive Media subject from 10.10am until 12.10 am. Only two of us in the class. Me and Rita. This subject is very interesting. Lots of new latest technology in all types of media. We managed to enjoyed ourselves while studying. Puan Noni really an experienced lecturer. She guided us on how to do assignment regarding video streaming media. Quite tough topic to be discussed. Need a lot of research in order to do the assignment.

Now, I'm getting to draft my assignment slowly as the due date is on 10 July 2011 and should be submitted via online.

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  1. @Coretan anuar uikkk! terima kasih. Mia student lagi lah anuar. nak kena abiskan belajar dulu baru leh mengajar.
