Mia Dalam OUM Today Issue 101

Terima kasih kepada Open University Malaysia kerana kisah kejayaan Mia ada dalam majalah korporat Universiti, OUM Today Issue 101 di halaman 5 di ruangan CEMCA Award Winner.

OUM Today Issue 101 - December 2012

Another Feather in the Cap

The virtual world is her playground as she spends hours in front of computer trouble-shooting technical problems at the workplace or blogging during her free time.

Juliana Ngahdirin finds solace in blogging, a passion that has taken her places besides connecting her with people she never knew. Blogging also allows her to sharpen her skills in coding and programming, skills that are essential in her line of work. Her life and study experiences at OUM can be accessed at www.mialiana.com.

Putting her IT skills to the test, she entered the DiGi WWWOW Award for the Blogger of the Year category for two consecutive years and emerged the top 5 for 2011 and top 10 for this year. She also won a consolation prize of RM 2,000.00 in a logo design contest for My Rapid Transit (MRT) organised by the Land Public Transport Commission last year.

Juliana’s blog is loaded with tips on how to answer examination questions and ace in studies. “I use my blog as a platform to assist others in their studies. I also conduct tutorials and many of those who read my blog are students from OUM and other universities. They wanted to know how I discipline myself to maintain a balance between work, study and family commitments,” she added.

Graduating with a Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) with flying colours, Juliana is the recipient of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) Award. She attributed her success to good time management and the support of her loved ones.

She said studying while working is not an easy task to accomplish but with discipline and good time management, success is possible. Juliana, who is an Assistant Information Technology Officer at Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board in Johor Bahru, has consistently perform in her studies and was awarded the Yayasan Canselor Bursary Award for 2010 and 2011 respectively.

The mother of a three-year-old daughter, Juliana conceded that in any academic endeavour, there were bound to be challenges. “To excel in your studies, it is not just enough to do revisions regularly. One must know the right technique in answering exam questions and in writing dissertations. Basically, you need to study smart and study hard.”

For Juliana, being an early riser helps because she normally does her revision very early in the morning. “Ever since my school days, it has become a habit for me to wake up at 4.30 in the morning to do my revision. When I am not studying, I will use the time to update my blog or answer queries from people who posted questions on my blog, facebook or twitter.”

Juliana said studying at OUM has been rewarding but also challenging. “The biggest challenge was when I had to sit for my exam shortly after the birth to my daughter. My worry then was whether I could maintain my CGPA or risk losing the bursary award. Fortunately, everything turned out well,” she added.

Juliana is definitely looking forward to her next challenge; she plans to pursue her Master’s degree sometime in the near future. “I am keeping my options open at the moment but certainly, I would love to pursue my Master’s after this,” she concluded.

by : Rahmah Daud

sumber : http://www2.oum.edu.my/v2/eoumtoday/2012/dec-issue101-2012/page5.php

p/s : sukanya bila baca artikel ini.... so sweet... 

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  1. suka jugak baca nih,bangga dgn mia!

  2. hope oneday saya berjaya seperti kak mia

  3. Moga kejayaan Mia jadi inspirasi buat ramai pelajar dan bakal pelajar di luar sana..

  4. tahniah akak. article nih bg inspirasi pada pembacanye..heheh

  5. semoga kejayaan Mia memberi semangat kepada orang yang inginkan kejayaan seiring dalam kehidupannya....sangat bermotivasi...tahniah sekali lagi mia!

    1. terima kasih ya ida.. tidak terluah oleh kata2. yakin boleh..

  6. assalamualaikum mia....tahniah2 yer .....:)

  7. Replies
    1. terima kasih shida.. tak dapat nak bayangkan betapa seronoknya kak mia ni..

  8. taniah sekali lagi Kak Mia . Ewaaah ! ^^ . Tumpang bangga jugak, kehkeh ..

  9. i'm so happy to hear this good news...love this... tahniah kak mia..

  10. waaaaah kak mia, congratsss :) i'm proud of youu. cewahh hihi

  11. Tahniah !!! Kaulah sumber InspirasiKU

  12. wahhh... tahniah mia.... tahniah,.... bangga....

  13. rasa glemer pun ada kan MIa... OKje tumpang gembira aje!! he..he...

    1. heheh tak tahulah nak kata rasa apa, hainom. terima kasih ya..

  14. pencetus kpd sy ni.niat nak sambung study kat oum juga.. in shaa ALLAH
