Self Defense For Women

Nice to know and do have a try. Practice first at home. We can learn how to defense ourselves. Who knows if anything might happen in the future. Be prepared....

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  1. nice sharing info..
    selain itu, boleh bersedia dgn penyembur cili ke.. kot2 teknik tu tak jadi :)

  2. hey your blog design is very nice, neat and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.

    - Murk

  3. wah bagus juga teknik mempertahan diri ni... bukan untuk wanita saja .. laki pun boleh belajar ni...

  4. dusyum...dusyum...aiyak senak perut kena...btw nice info :-)

  5. terima kasih semua. lelaki dan perempuan pun patut tahu step ni. mana tahu kalau terjadi perkara buruk nanti. @gnesop, bagus juga cadangan tu... biar pedih mata kena sembur cili.

    @Murk, thanks for the comment. really appreciate it. do visit me always...

  6. wah!!!!!!!!!!! bgusnya entry ni
    cara2 nak selamatkan diri dr laki jahat :D
